waider dot i e Mastodon (Old Mastodon)
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Being The
Geekly Diary of Waider
contain traces of drinking, movies, and sport)
- February 12
- Slightly at a loss as to how the bank who phoned me in San
Francisco in the early morning (timezones, eh?) a mere 24 years
ago are claiming they don't have a number on record for me and I
must therefore engage with their customer service (and,
implicitly, an incomprehensible phone tree with horrifically
distorted hold music).
I just ran brew install php. I feel dirty twice
After about an hour of tinkering I have (a) achieved my goal and
(b) become freshly annoyed with PHP.
- February 11
- I've given up for now on making sense of the Java-based protocol
code I was looking at, not least because I'm not really trying
hard to follow it and instead looking for a quick hack. The
problem is that trying anything out with it is a fairly
heavyweight process, so even if a quick hack exists, implementing
and testing it is likely to be a royal pain. So, back to good
friend ozwcp to reset the broken nodes and hopefully get the
network back on track.
- February 10
- In which I find myself tinkering with PHP for reasons. Oh boy.
Thanks to some assistance obtained on Mastodon I put in a simple
filter on my mail server to refuse email from unauthenticated
connections claiming to be my domain. Surprisingly it's actually
picked up almost 20 hits in its first week in action, each of
which would've been spam for me to deal with one way or
another. So that's nice.
- February 09
- Foundation is holding our interest nicely so far.
Dealing with a website hosting company's "easy" site editor. At
some point I rolled back changes by restoring a backup and it
regenerated all the HTML element IDs ... which I'd been using in
javascript to reference said elements. Lovely.
- February 08
- Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
is another brutal experience of how bad 60s sci-fi could get. The
effects are ... non-existent, the acting has more ham than a pig
farm, and the musical score actually made me laugh at one point
where they went into a weird percussion-heavy lounge-music number
of a big fight sequence. Groovy! For some mysterious
reason this fared poorly at the box-office.
Parkrun, Sanctuary Runners: there was cake. Also coffee, tea,
water, biscuits, fun-size snacks, cupcakes, balloons... and lots
of fun!
- February 07
- I tracked down one of the messages in the zwave logs relating to
a device with a node ID that isn't on my network, and it turns out
to be a bitflip error. A checksummed bitflip error, at
- February 06
- Sancutary
Runners: 7 years old today. Happy Birthday! There's probably
a group near
you: come find us this Saturday at Parkrun or wherever and
help us celebrate! There may be cake...
Foundation: I did not see that episode ending coming. I do not
know where this is going, but I'm intrigued.
- February 05
- New TV bubblegum: Foundation.
I did not realise this was at least partly filmed in Ireland.
- February 04
- Final episode of Rizz and Is was ... banal. Other than being
heavily laden with schmaltz and a bit of a montage, it was
basically the same as any other episode.
- February 03
- School night, so back to Rizzoli and Isles. We're down the last
few episodes and will need to figure out what we're watching
next; George Gently is good but the episodes are 90 minutes long
so it's like watching a feature film every night, which isn't
really our thing.
Got an email from someone thanking me for a reverse-engineering
hack I did 20 years ago and in which he found a bug. I am bemused
that it's still a going concern, to be honest. Still, I've updated
the docs. I've also updated the code, I think, except I
don't have anything it'll build on any more, or the hardware to
test it...