waider dot i e Mastodon (Old Mastodon)
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Being The
Geekly Diary of Waider
contain traces of drinking, movies, and sport)
- January 16
- I still don't quite understand where my shiny Mac M2 gets all
the bass from. I mean, it's not like it has a big resonant space
to play with, but there's some omph in there
- January 15
- Done and planned for 2025 so far: 1 x-ray, 2 MRIs, a court cause,
and a "trauma clinic". Hopefully this isn't a bellwether for the
- January 14
- Character evolution for Ms. Rizzoli seems to have landed on
"let's make her behave like a two-year-old who demands things her
way regardless of conseuqences." It's rather grating, and I can't
imagine the actress was particularly happy with it, except she was
probably getting a large sack of cash to deal with the
- January 13
- Two lessons from my constant fiddling with OpenHAB: Firstly, if
you're gonna have home automation of any sort, make sure you have
a goal in mind. I've a z-wave network of (mostly) TRVs that is
largely a hacker's toy. Secondly, the idea of home
automation is far more attractive than the reality. After all, the
reality is brought to you by the same process that brought you,
"it's not working? try power-cycling it and see if the same thing
- January 12
- Back on our regular Rizzoli and Isles fodder. One of the most
jarring things about this show is that the Rizzoli of the title
has shot numerous perpetrators - pretty much all fatally, as far
as I can recall - with zero consequences. Her brother, on the
other hand, had a whole episode dedicated to "maybe he
shot someone he shouldn't have?" but of course in the end it
worked out: hurrah, he killed the right person. There was a brief
flirtation with non-lethal weaponry a couple of episodes back but
that seems to have gone straight out the window as tonight's was
back to shoot first, ask questions later on the off chance that
the lead donation recipient survives.
- January 11
- Final season of Vera! Ever! Hope it's a good
one... wait, what, only two episodes? Sheesh... hardly a season,
is it? But ok, the final episode was well done.
- January 10
- Silo: almost complete and I'm still not sure what they're going
to do in the final episode. Not to bang a drum repeatedly but it
looks like introducing the Judicial subplot has complicated things
that need to be resolved.
- January 09
- The Z-Wave adventures continue: at 02:45 this morning, the
controller attempted to process messages from three devices that
aren't in the house. I think it just made up some node
- January 08
- Running the Z-Wave binding in trace mode and looking at what
it's doing. I am thinking it could do with posting a good deal of
this information in places other than a trace log; some of this
would be useful as bridge data (akin to the current packet
counters) and some would be useful as Thing data e.g. last time we
heard from this Thing, last time we sent a packet to this Thing,
latency, etc.
- January 07
- Not making much progress on the Z-Wave query. I mean, ok, it's
open source and I'm getting exactly as much support as I paid